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1. For two atoms Z

M A1


and Z

M A2


we have : M1

– Z1 = M2

– Z2 & M1  M2

, Z1  Z2

The species would be called :

(1) Isotopes (2) Isotones

(3) Isobars (4) None

2. The triad of nuclei that is isotonic is :

(1) 6

14C, 7

14N, 9

19F (2) 6

12C, 7

14N, 9


(3) 6

14C, 7

14N, 9

17F (4) 6

14C, 7

15N, 9


3. Correct matching is :

(i) 26Fe54

, 26Fe56

, 26Fe57

, 26Fe58 (a) Isotopes

(ii) 1H


, 2He3

(b) Isotones

(iii) 32Ge76

, 33As77 (c) Isodiaphers

(iv) 92U


, 90Th231 (d) Isobar

(v) 1H


, 1D


, 1



(1) i-a , ii-d , iii-b , iv-c , v-a (2) i-a , ii-b , iii-c , iv-e , v-a

(3) v-a , iv-c , iii-d , ii-b , i-a (4) None of these

4. What is the charge in coulomb on Fe3+ ion -

(1) 4.8 × 10-19C (2) 1.6 × 10-19C

(3) 3.2 × 10-19C (4) 6.4 × 10-19C

5. The number of -particles emitted during the




b  c



is –


b d 


(2) a

b d

 c






(3) c

b d

 a






(4) d

a b

 c






6. Configuration of atom A, B, C are given as

A  [Z (90) + n (146)] ,

B  [Z(92) + n(146)] ,

C  [Z(90) + n (148)]

(a) A and C are Isotope (b) A and B are isobar

(c) B and C are isobar (d) B and C are isotope

Select the wrong statement -

(1) only a, b (2) only c, d

(3) only b, d (4) only a, c

7. An atom contains 17 proton, 18 neutron and 18 electrons

then it has charge -

(1) + 1 (2) – 2

(3) – 1 (4) zero

8. Sum of number of neutron and proton in an isotope of

hydrogen is -

(1) 3 (2) 4

(4) 5 (4) 6

9. Electronic configuration of metallic ion M

+2 is 2, 8, 14 and

ionic mass is 56 amu then number of neutron in that nucleus

will be -

(1) 30

(2) 28

(3) 27

(4) 32

10. Pair of isoelectronic species is -

(1) CO, NO

(2) NO–


, CO3


(3) CO2

, NO2

(4) C2H2

, BeF2

11. Select wrong statement about deuterium –

(1) it is an isotope of hydrogen

(2) it contain (1 e + 1 P + 1n)

(3) it contains only (1P + 1 n)

(4) D2O is heavy water

12. In 13Al27 number of protons are (a), number of electrons are

(b) number of neutrons are (c) then ratio [c : b : a] will be –

(1) 13 : 14 : 13

(2) 13 : 13 : 14

(3) 14 : 13 : 13

(4) 14 : 13 : 14

13. Maximum e/m value is of–

(1) D+

(2) He+

(3) H+

(4) He2+

Home Assignment # 1

• Fundamental Particles of Atom • Nucleus • Planck's Quantum Theory

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14. Atomic mass of an element is 39. In its nucleus , number of

neutrons is one more than number of protons. Number of

protons, neutrons and electrons will be –

(1) 19, 20, 19 (2) 19, 19, 20

(3) 20, 19, 19 (4) 20, 19, 20

15. Increasing order of specific charges –

(1) e, p, n ,  (2) e, p, n

(3) n, , p, e (4) n, e, p, 

16. Element A, decay in C by following two successive steps –

A  B + 2He4

B  C + 2

(1) A and B are isobars

(2) A and C are isotopes

(3) A and C are isobars

(4) A and C are isodiaphers

17. Wrong statement is–

(1) number of protons > number of electrons, for cation

(2) number of protons < number of electrons, for anions

(3) number of protons = number of neutrons, for all atoms

(4) atomic number of deutrium and tritium is same

18. Isoelectronic with hydride ion –

(1) Li (2) He+

(3) He (4) Be

19. The nitride ion in lithium nitride is composed of

(1) 7 protons + 10 electrons

(2) 10 protons + 10 electrons

(3) 7 protons + 7 protons

(4) 10 protons + 7 electrons

20. Which of the following is not true in Rutherford’s nuclear

model of atom

(1) protons and neutrons are present inside nucleus

(2) volume of nucleus is very small as compared to volume

of atom

(3) the number of protons and neutrons are always equal

(4) the number of electrons and protons are always equal

21. The frequency of a radiation having a wave number of 2 ×

1014 cm–1 will be :

(1) 6.0 × 10–14 s–1 (2) 6.0 × 1024 s–1

(1) 6.6 × 103

s–1 (4) 6.6 × 10–3 s–1

22. Wavelength of a photon radiation containing energy E is

4000 Å then wavelength of an other photon radiation

containing energy 0.5 E will be -

(1) 2000 Å (2) 8000 Å

(3) 4000 Å (4) 6000 Å

23. Wavelength of a light beam is 25 μm, its wave number is -

(1) 4.0 × 102

cm–1 (2) 4.0 × 106


(3) 4.0 × 106

m–1 (4) 25.0 × 104


24. Electromagnetic radiation containing 242 nm wavelength

is enough to ionize the K atom then ionisation energy of

atom is - (C = 3 × 108

ms–1 , h = 6.626 × 10–34 Jsec)

(1) 8.21 × 10–19 J (2) 8.21 × 10–19 erg.

(3) 8.21 eV (4) 8.21 × 10–19 Calorie

25. Energy levels A, B, C of a certain atom corresponds to

increasing values of energy, EA

< EB

< EC

. If ̄1

, ̄2

and ̄3

are the wave numbers of radiations corresponding to the

transitions C to B, B to A and C to A respectively, which of

the following statement is correct –

(1) ̄3

= ̄1

+ ̄2

(2) ̄3

= ( ̄1


)/( ̄1

+ ̄2


(3) ̄1

+ ̄2+ ̄3

= 0 (4) ̄3


= ̄1


+ ̄2


26. Which is correct for following transition

E3 E2 E1 1 3 2

(1) E31

= E32

– E21

(2) 3

= 1

+ 2

(3) 


= 


+ 


(4) all of these

27. What is the wavelength (in nm) of X-ray radiation with a

frequency of 6.39 × 1017 s–1 ? (c = 3.00 × 108


(1) 0.469 nm (2) 2.13 nm

(3) 46.9 nm (4) 192.0 nm

Qus. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Ans. 2 4 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 1 3

Qus. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Ans. 2 2 1 1 1 3 1


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1. The radius of hydrogen atom in the ground state is 0.53 Å.

The radius of Li2+ ion in similar state is -

(1) 0.17 Å (2) 1.06 Å

(3) 0.53 Å (4) 0.265 Å

2. Correct order of radius of the IInd orbit of H, He+

, Li2+


Be3+ is -

(1) H > He+ > Li2+ > Be3+

(2) Be3+ > Li2+ > He+ > H

(3) He+ > Be3+ > Li2+ > H

(4) He+ > H > Li2+ > Be3+

3. Distance between second and third shell of hydrogen atom

is -

(1) 1.058 × 10–8 cm (2) 0.529 × 10–8 cm

(3) 2.116 × 10–8 cm (4) 2.645 × 10–8 cm

4. Radii of a shell of H-atom is 4.761 Å then value of principal

quantum number for this shell will be -

(1) 3 (2) 9

(3) 5 (4) 4

5. Ratio of radius of Ist Bohr's orbit for hydrogen and deuterium

is -

(1) 1 : 1 (2) 1 : 2

(3) 2 : 1 (4) 4 : 1

6. Atomic radius can be given by –

(1) r

n h

me Z

2 2

2 4 2 4

(2) r

n h

me Z

2 2

2 4 4

(3) r

n h

me Z

2 2

2 2 4

(4) r

n h

me Z

2 2

2 2 2 4

7. For hydrogen ratio of velocities v1

, v2

, v3

(1) 1 : 2 : 3 (2) 1 : 1/2 : 1/3

(3) 3 : 2 : 1 (4) 1 : 1 : 1

8. The radius of the first orbit of hydrogen is 0.53Å. The

circumference of second orbit of He+

would be -

(1) 1.06 Å (2) 2.12 Å

(3) 0.53 Å (4) 6.66 Å

9. The I.E. of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. The energy required

to remove an electron from n = 2 state of the hydrogen

atom is -

(1) 27.2 eV (2) 13.6 eV

(3) 6.8 eV (4) 3.4 eV

10. The energy of an electron in the second Bohr orbit of H- atom is – E. The energy of the electron in the Bohr's first

orbit is -

(1) – E/4 (2) – 4 E

(3) 4 E (4) –2 E

11. The potential energy of the electron in the hydrogen atom

is –6.8 eV. The excited state, in which the electron is

present, is -

(1) first (2) second

(3) third (4) none

12. The energy of an electron in the first Bohr orbit of H atom

is –13.6 eV. The possible energy values (s) of the excited

state (s) for electron in Bohr orbits to hydrogen is (are)–

(1) –3.4 eV (2) –1.5 eV

(3) 0 (4) All

13. The Bohr's energy equation for H atom reveals that the

energy is given by E = –13.58/n2

eV. The largest amount

that an electron will absorb if in ground state is –

(1) 13.58 eV (2) 3.39 eV

(3) 6.79 eV (4) 10.19 eV

14. Which is correct order for energy for any kind of species

(1) (E2


) > (E3


) > (E4



(2) (E2


) < (E3


) < (E4



(3) (E2


) = (E3


) = (E4



(4) (E2


) = 1/4 (E3


) =1/9(E4



15. 200 units of energy is required to take away an electron

from lowest energy level to infinity, the energy required to

take away an electron from 2nd shell to infinity will be

(1) 400 units (2) 1400 units

(3) 50 units (4) 125 units

Home Assignment # 2

• Bohr's Model • Applications of Bohr Model