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Concordia University Wisconsin

Early Childhood Education Observation Form

General Evaluation of Candidate Performance

M = Minimal M/E = Minimal/Emerging E = Emerging E/P = Emerging/Proficient P = Proficient P/A = Proficient/Advanced A = Advanced

Planning and Preparation M M/E E E/P P P/A A

Plans are clearly written and developmentally appropriate; consideration is

given to appropriate timing or quantity of content or activities.

Prepares creative, integrated units and lessons using cooperative strategies,

varied grouping techniques, appropriate resources/technology, as well as

emergent and playful learning.

Candidate demonstrates knowledge of content standards, pedagogy, socio- cultural elements, and the interests and abilities of individual learners.

Clear connections between content standards, instructional objectives, and

assessments are demonstrated.

Candidate identifies and plans to support vocabulary development.

Planning includes multiple forms of informal, formal, summative, and

formative assessment tied to measurable objectives.

Teaching Practice M M/E E E/P P P/A A

Uses effective and efficient time management strategies and transitions

between lessons and activities.

The candidate designs instruction that provides opportunities for student

engagement, active participation, and whole child development.

The candidate effectively checks for student comprehension and

understanding, and adjusts lessons as needed based on this information.

The candidate effectively utilizes multiple forms of informal, formal,

summative, and formative assessment.

Meaningful, specific, and consistent feedback are provided; and learners are

supported with opportunities to utilize feedback verbally and creatively.

Utilizes a variety of strategies to promote a balanced literacy approach

including reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

The candidate asks appropriate content-based and higher level processing

questions that promote deep thinking and emergent understanding.

The candidate uses good voice inflection, expression, and volume; adequate

wait time and active listening strategies.

Academic language is appropriate for the students’ developmental level and

needs and is focused on the development of vocabulary.

The candidate is knowledgeable about lesson content and presents it clearly

and accurately, while including key concepts, facts, and vocabulary.

The lesson is paced appropriately, flows well, and the candidate capitalizes

on teachable moments.

Candidate: ____________________________________ Observer: ___________________________________________

Class/Age Level: ______________________ School: ____________________________________________________

Activity/Lesson Topic: __________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

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Varied grouping, multimodal, and interactive teaching strategies are used.

The candidate utilizes knowledge of personal and cultural assets to

differentiate teaching strategies for individual learners.

Classroom Environment M M/E E E/P P P/A A

Learners are engaged, motivated, and on task.

The candidate demonstrates fair and equal concern for all learners.

The candidate consistently demonstrates a variety of appropriate classroom

management strategies for the whole class, small groups, and individuals

that motivate learners to grow and self-regulate.

Expectations are communicated in a clear, positive, and consistent manner.

Students are encouraged to be respectful, attentive, and receptive to the

ideas of others.

Interactions with students demonstrate respectful rapport and positive

relationships within a secure community of learning.

Uses positive role modeling to encourage enthusiastic participation,

independence, agency, and self-discipline during classroom activities.

The candidate displays withitness, flexibility, and the ability to cope with the


Professional Dispositions M M/E E E/P P P/A A

The candidate consistently demonstrates enthusiasm about teaching and the

current classroom environment.

The candidate is a reflective practitioner who welcomes feedback and

suggestions; and applies them.

The candidate interacts, communicates, and collaborates appropriately with

students, families, other professionals, and support staff.

The candidate is a role-model who applies Christian values to interactions

with students and adults.

The candidate consistently demonstrates professionalism in speech, actions,

dress, and grooming.

The candidate is conscientious in fulfilling the duties, responsibilities, and

daily/long term planning required of the university and placement.

Narrative Observations:

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The student teacher and mentor discussed the candidate’s progress in a conference following the observation: YES ____ NO ____.

The cooperating teaching and the university supervisor participated in this conference: YES ____ NO ____.

University Supervisor: ______________________________________________

Candidate: ______________________________________________

Cooperating Teacher: ______________________________________________

Please make copies of this report for the cooperating teacher, candidate, and university supervisor OR make sure that each individual receives

the report digitally with the appropriate signatures.

Narrative Observations Continued:

Successes/Strengths Suggestions/Considerations

Candidate’s Goals for Improvement Based on Feedback: