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The Fairview Review

Attendance / Articles / Behavior / Shirt Policy

Attendance: Students are expected to attend each The Fairview Review Staff

meeting. The Fairview Review usually meets one time per month, which means only

nine meetings for the entire school year. If students cannot attend, I must know about

the absence in advance. Missing a meeting due to an athletic practice is not an

excuse. Students are to inform their coach, then contact me if the coach is not willing

to excuse them from practice. I am willing to work with the coach, but I must know in

advance. Also, please remember that The Fairview Review is a voluntary, academic

opportunity. Students absent from school are obviously excused from the meeting.

Articles: Students are expected to write, at least, one article per month. Students are

welcome to write more than one, but one is required. Staff members are given a due

date, which will be followed. Late articles will be accepted, but the student will earn

points toward dismissal. Students absent during a monthly meeting are still responsible

for turning in an article. Word searches and poems are not considered articles.

Behavior: Students are expected to behave and participate during staff meetings.

The Fairview Review Shirt: Students are expected to wear their The Fairview Review

shirt to each meeting.

Point System

Unexcused Absence from The Fairview Review Meeting = 4 points

Article Not Turned In = 4 points

The Fairview Review Shirt Not Worn = 1 point

Behavior Problem, First Warning = 1 point

Behavior Problem, Second Warning = 3 points & parent contact

Behavior Problem, Third Warning = 5 points & parent meeting

Behavior Problem, Final Warning = dismissal

Once a student newspaper staff member reaches 10 points, the student newspaper

staff member will be dismissed from The Fairview Review.

By signing below, you understand The Fairview Review Attendance / Articles /

Behavior / Shirt Policy provided by Mr. Jeffries, The Fairview Review Coordinator.

______________________________ ______________________________

(The Fairview Review Staff Member Signature) (The Fairview Review Parent/Guardian Signature)