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Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer

the questions that follow. For each question four

probable answers bearing letters A, B, C and D are

given. Only one out of these is correct. You have

to choose the correct answer and indicate it on the

given response-sheet.


About seventy percent of the people in India

live in villages. During the British rule. The

condition of our villages was very pitiable.

Agriculture and cottage industry were in very bad

condition. A village was a collection of mud

houses and dirty lattes. There were no schools,

post offices in the village. People were illiterate

and poor. After Independence our Government is

trying its best to improve the condition of the

villages. Schools and post offices are being

constructed in the villages. Serious efforts are

being made to improve agriculture which is the

main occupation of village people. Farmers are

now using improved methods of cultivation,

chemical fertilizers and high quality seed. Dams

and canals are being constructed for irrigation.

Now large areas of land are being irrigated. Banks

are providing loans to farmers for purchasing

tractors and other agriculture implements. Roads

are being constructed to join the villages with

main state roads.

1. Main occupation of the village people is:

a. Agriculture

b. Cottage industry

c. Agriculture and Cottage Industry

d. Working in factories

2. During the British rule villagers were

a. Rich b. Poor

c. Illiterate d. Illiterate and poor

3. Our Government is trying to:

a. Eradicate dowry system from the villages

b. Improve the condition of the villages

c. Build houses for the villagers

d. Open cinema halls in the villages

4. Now-a-days farmers are:

a. Using rain water for irrigation

b. Using modern methods of cultivation

c. Using old methods of cultivation

d. Using nuclear devices for irrigation

5. Antonym of illiterate is:

a. Wise b. Stupid

c. Literate d. Cruel

Direction (6-10): Fill in the blanks with the

appropriate word choosing it from the given four

options a, b, c and d.

6. She ___ to talk to you.

a. Was wanting b. Wants

c. Is wanting d. Want

7. I ___ a letter yesterday.

a. Have written b. Written

c. Wrote d. Had written

8. Kailash ___ in Kanpur now.

a. Lives b. Is living

c. Has been living d. lived

9. Saurabh ___ ill since last week.

a. Was b. Has been

c. Is d. Had been

10. It ___ raining since morning.

a. Was b. Has been

c. Is d. Had been

Direction (11-15): In the following questions

choose the word which BEST EXPRESSES THE

MEANING of the given-capital word. Choose the

right word from the four alternatives a, b, c or d.

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11. WEAK:

a. Desirable b. Regret

c. Relaxed d. Feeble

12. DWARF:

a. Small in size b. Cunning

c. Stupid d. Insect


a. Planting of trees

b. Cutting of trees

c. Killing of wild animals

d. Protection of forest


a. Defeat b. Attack

c. Surround d. War


a. Mean b. Cunning

c. Unyielding d. Strong

Direction (16-20): Fill in the blanks with

appropriate word choosing from options a, b, c

and d.

16. Birds fly ___ fish swim.

a. Over b. On

c. But d. At

17. I shall go ___ you come or not.

a. And b. Yet

c. But d. Whether

18. You will pass ___ you work hard.

a. And b. If

c. As d. Over

19. He ran away ___ he was afraid.

a. Because b. and

c. But d. Yet

20. My grandmother died ___ I was born.

a. But b. Before

c. Yet d. Until

Direction (21-25): In the following questions out

of given four alternatives a, b, c and d you have to

choose the one which is OPPOSITE IN

MEANING (Antonym) of the given bold capital


21. REAP:

a. Plant b. Sow

c. Plough d. Cultivate


a. Interest b. Costly

c. Lend d. Loss


a. Deep b. Marshy

c. Soft d. Flood

24. PROUD:

a. Weak b. Humble

c. Kind d. Wise


a. Revise b. Remember

c. Learn d. Force

Direction (26-30): In the following questions four

words have been written out of which there are

wrongly spelt. Choose the correctly spelt word

from the four alternatives.

26. a. Barbber b. Cobbler

c. Broder d. Formor

27. a. Kriminal b. Juge

c. Lawyer d. Cort

28. a. Colege b. Schol

c. Teacher d. Studant

29. a. Kiten b. Catle

c. Pancil d. Bucket

30. a. Colour b. Kolour

c. Calour d. Kalour

Direction (31-35): In the following qustions. Out

of th four choices a, b, c and d. Choose the one

which can be substituted for the given phrases of


31. A solider who fights for the sake of money:

a. Patriot b. Terrorist

c. Mercenary d. Captain

32. Animals which feed on herbs:

a. Carnivorous b. Vegetarian

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c. Cannibal d. Herbivorous

33. Animals which live in water:

a. Amphibians b. Gregarious

c. Aquatic d. Vegetarian

34. A man whose wife is dead:

a. Widow b. Widower

c. Divorcee d. Criminal

35. A child whose parents are dead:

a. Orphan b. Thief

c. Imposter d. Fatalist

Direction (36-40): Fill in the blanks with suitable

words choosing from the given options a, b, c and


36. Last year many persons died ___ malaria.

a. From b. Of

c. By d. In

37. He lives ___ Rajasthan.

a. On b. At

c. In d. Into

38. Manju is afraid ___ English.

a. From b. By

c. In d. Of

39. There is no ink ___ my pen.

a. By b. With

c. in d. On

40. The boy ___ English fluently.

a. Speak b. Speaks

c. Tell d. Tells

Direction (41-45): Choose appropriate articles:

41. Would you like to have ___ cup of tea?

a. A b. An

c. The d. No article

42. ___ room is airy

a. A b. An

c. The d. No article

43. ___ dog is faithful animal.

a. A b. An

c. The d. No article

44. Will you go to ___ hospital to see your


a. A b. An

c. The d. No article

45. There are sixty seconds in ___ minute

a. A b. An

c. The d. No article

Direction (46-50): Choose appropriate prepositions:

46. We decided ___ buying a new car.

a. Against b. With

c. At d. Of

47. Many children depend ___ their parents for


a. On b. At

c. With d. To

48. He graduated ___ Oxford University

a. On b. From

c. Out of d. With

49. The advertising campaign resulted ___

hundreds of new customers for the company.

a. To b. For

c. Up d. In

50. As a scientist, I specialize ___ marine


a. At b. In

c. For d. With


Direction (51-100): For every question. Four

probable answers bearing letters a, b, c and d are

given. Only one of them is correct. Choose the

correct answer and indicate it on the given


51. Sum of all prime numbers less than 15 is

a. 31 b. 45

c. 29 d. 41

52. The least number which when divided by 98

and 105 will leave in each ease the same

remainder 10 is

a. 1,480 b. 1,600