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Curriculum Vitae

Kyeongwon Kim

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST Gil-50(44919), Ulsan, Republic of KOREA


Combined M.S and Ph.D course

Computational Reactor Physics and Experiment Laboratory (CORE Lab.)

Department of Nuclear Engineering

Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology (UNIST)

50 UNIST-gil, Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea, 44919


Bachelor of Engineering

• Major: Mechanical Engineering

Double Major : Nuclear Engineering

• Yeungnam University(YU), Gyeongsan, Korea, 2014.03 ~ 2019.02



• Design of nuclear reactor

• Generation of library using NJOY (nuclear data processing code)

• Development of neutron transport analysis code

• Generation-IV Reactor


◼ International and domestic conference

1. Kyeongwon Kim, Eun Jeong, Peng Zhang, Eunki Lee, Ho Cheol Shin, Deokjung

Lee*, “Preliminary Study for Validation and Verification of STREAM/RAST-K 2.0

Transient Calculation with DCRM Benchmark”, 2018 KNS Fall Meeting, Yeosu,

Korea, October 25-26. (2018)

2. Sooyoung Choi, Jiwon Choe, Khang Hoang Nhat Nguyen, Woonghee Lee,

Wonkyeong Kim, Hanjoo Kim, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Eun Jeong, Hyunsuk Lee,

Kyeongwon Kim, Kiho Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Recent Development Status of

Neutron Transport Code STREAM”, 2019 KNS Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May

23-24. (2019)

3. Kyeongwon Kim, Sooyoung Choi, Kiho Kim, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee*,

“Comparison of ENDF/B-VIII.0 and ENDF/B-VII.1 in Criticality and Depletion

using PWR Pin Cell by STREAM”, 2020 KNS Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May

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21-22. (2020)

4. Kyeongwon Kim, Matthiu Lemaire, Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Wonkyeong Kim,

Deokjung Lee*, “Generation of a multigroup gamma production and photon

transport library for STREAM”, 2020 KNS Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 21-22.


5. Jiwon Choe, Sooyoung Choi, Peng Zhang, Kyeongwon Kim, Deokjung Lee*,

“Enhancement of Cross-section Feedback Module for Temperature Coefficient in

STREAM/RAST-K”, 2020 KNS Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 21-22. (2020)

6. Vutheam Dos, Kyeongwon Kim, Eirik Eide Pettersen, Jacob Groth Jensen,

Deokjung Lee*, “Dynamic Burnup Studies of Seaborg Compact Molten Salt Reactor

by Serpent 2”, 2020 KNS Fall Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Oct 22-23. (2020)

7. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Kyeongwon Kim, Matthieu Lemaire, Sooyoung Choi,

Deokjung Lee*, “Implementation of Photon Transport in STREAM”, 2020 KNS Fall

Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Oct 22-23. (2020)

8. Kyeongwon Kim, Jinseok Han, Ran Lee, Hyun Chul Lee*, Junkyung Jang,

Deokjung Lee, “Estimation of Plutonium Production in a Graphite-moderated

Reactor using Graphite Isotope Ratio Method and MCS”, 2021 KNS Spring

Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 13-14 (2021)

9. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Kyeongwon Kim, Woonghee Lee, Decokjung Lee*,

Sooyoung Choi, Kiho Kim, “Energy Decomposition Model in STREAM with

Photon Trnasport”, 2021 KNS Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 13-14 (2021)

10. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Kyeongwon Kim, Woonghee lee, Deokjung Lee*,

“Impact of Photon Transport in STREAM on VERA 5 2D Problem”, 2021 KNS Fall

Meeting, Korea, Oct 20-21 (2021)

11. Jinseok Han, Seongjin Jeong, Junkyung Jang, Hyun Chul Lee, Kyeongwon Kim,

“Improvement of Estimating Plutonium Production using Various Estimation Models

for Graphite Isotope Ratio Method”, 2022 KNS Spring, Korea, May 18-19 (2022)

12. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Kyeongwon Kim, Woonghee Lee, Deokjung Lee*,

“Energy Deposition in STREAM with Photon Transport”, 2022 PHYSOR,

Pittsburgh, USA, May 15-20 (2022)

13. Jeehoon Park, Kyeongwon Kim, Eun Jeong, Deokjung Lee*, Hyun Chul Lee,

“Application of Graphite Isotope Ratio Method with Artificial Intelligence to

Estimate Cumulative Plutonium Production in a Graphite-Moderated Reactor”, 2022

KNS Fall Meeting, Changwon, Korea, October 20-21, (2022)

14. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Kyeongwon Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Calculation of

Displacement per Atom(DPA) in STREAM”, 2023 KNS Spring Meeting, Jeju,

Korea, May 18-19 (2023)

15. Kyeongwon Kim, Wonkyeong Kim, Woonghee Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Preliminary

Results of Three-dimensional Single Assembly by STREAM3D and CUPID

Coupling System Code”, 2023 KNS Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 18-19 (2023)

16. Wongyu Lee, Wonkyeong Kim, Jinsu Park, Yunki Jo, Jaerim Jang, Eun Jeong,

Yeongseok Kang, Kyeongwon Kim, Deokjung Lee, “Innovative-SMR Design with

CIMBA using Two-step Code STREAM2D/RAST-K”, 2023 KNS Spring Meeting,

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Jeju, Korea, May 18-19 (2023)

17. Chanwoo Kim, Kyeongwon Kim, Jinsu Park, Eun Jeong, Deokjung Lee*, “Core

Design Study for Soluble Boron-Free and Long-cycle Operation of Small Modular

Reactor using Enriched Gadolinia”, 2024 KNS Fall Meeting, Changwon, Korea,

October 24-25 (2024)

◼ Journal

1. Sooyoung Choi, Wonkyeong Kim, Jiwon Choe, Woonghee Lee, Hanjoo Kim,

Bamidele Ebiwonjumi, Eun Jeong, Kyeongwon Kim, Dongmin Yun, Hyunsuk Lee,

Deokjung Lee*, “Development of high-fidelity neutron transport code STREAM”,

Computer Physics Communications. (2021)

2. Kyeongwon Kim, Jinseok Han, Hyun Chul Lee, Junkyung Jang, Deokjung Lee*,

“Verification of Graphite Isotope Ratio Method Combined with Polynomial

Regression for the Estimation of Cumulative Plutonium Production in a

Graphite-Moderated Reactor”, Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology


3. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Kyeongwon Kim, Matthieu Lemaire, Tung Dong Cao

Nguyen, Woonghee Lee, Deokjung Lee*, “Analysis of several VERA Benchmark

Problems with the Photon Transport Capability of STREAM”, Nuclear Engineering

and Technology. (2021)

4. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Woonghee Lee, Kyeongwon Kim, Bamidele Ebiwonjumi,

Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “On-The-Fly Energy Release per Fission Model

in STREAM with Explicit Neutron and Photon Heating, Nuclear Engineering and

Technology. (2023)

5. Nhan Nguyen Trong Mai, Kyeongwon Kim, Deokjung Lee*, “Modelling atomic

relaxation and bremsstrahlung in the deterministic code STREAM”, Nuclear

Engineering and Technology. (2023)


• McCARD users training course (Seoul, Korea, 2019)

• Reactor Physics Asia eXperiment Program (αXP) (KUCA, Japan, 2019)


• Language: Korean(native), English(intermediate)

• OS: Window, Linux

• Programming language: Fortran, Python

• Tools: MATLAB, GIT, Visual Studio, MS office

• Nuclear physics code: STREAM-2D, STREAM-3D, RAST-K, MCS(UNIST), NJOY


• Apparatus for crud analysis in nuclear reactor and method thereof

• Method for calculating the energy released of fissionable nuclides including photon energy

and nuclear reactor power

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• Korea Hydro&Nuclear Power Cental Research Institute, KHNP CRI ( 2017. 01. )